Creating a More Just and Merciful World
Why Handwriting Still Matters in the Digital Age

If you are looking to pursue a bachelor’s degree in communication, you probably expect to spend little time writing by hand. Any writing you do, whether it is capturing information or composing content, will likely be done while tapping away on a laptop or digital device keyboard.
This makes sense, as typing (or, capturing thoughts via digital voice recordings) is faster than using a pen or pencil to put words on paper. But avoiding handwriting entirely is not necessarily the best move for students, writers or communications professionals.
Here are three reasons why:
Handwriting improves retention. Multiple studies have shown that handwriting is better than typing for taking notes, as it results in greater retention of the information recorded. Because of the act of forming the words on a page, writing activates more of the brain than does typing.
Handwriting improves focus. Because handwriting is a non-digital activity, it equates to being unplugged from technology and all the distractions associated with it. This is one reason why many novelists and professional writers prefer handwriting for composition. It also allows for less-inhibited writing by preventing the urge to edit while writing, a common temptation when typing on a computer.
Handwriting offers greater flexibility. For activities such as brainstorming, handwriting has distinct advantages over using a keyboard. When working with a blank sheet of paper or a whiteboard, you are free to write anywhere on the page or surface and you can easily draw lines or shapes to connect or group ideas.
Of course, in the digital age, writing by hand exclusively is largely impractical. But, as the applications mentioned above make clear, abandoning handwriting entirely also makes little sense. Whether in your coursework or your career as a communications professional, rather than automatically reaching for your phone or laptop, you might first want to consider if writing it down with a pen, pencil or dry erase marker might be a better choice.
Your future as a communications professional begins with a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from Carlow University in Pittsburgh. Choose from multiple program-specific tracks, each of which will provide access to hands-on learning opportunities, such as developing your news writing and research skills or polishing your broadcasting skills. Classroom and real-world practice help you hone problem-solving, team-building and critical thinking skills, all highly sought after by employers.